Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Vatican is its own Country

Ciao ragazzi!!!

Sta in Italia, le paese piu bella di tutto.

Yesterday I got in around 4. The flight was not too bad, they have this sweet thing now where you get your own screen and own remote and you get to choose from a whole variety of movies. I got to watch Speed Racer and I was very excited. I liked it a lot too. And I totally predicted that one thing that I won't reveal. And the food wasn't too bad either. They fed us WAY more than I was expecting.

So the keyboard here is crazy and sometimes if I make a typo Iàm just going to leave it because it's not worth it.

So when I first got here I was like, UGH everything cost so much and afraid I didn't bring enough because tons of people brought two bags. But I'm pretty proud of myself for going minimalist. Last night we wandered around a bit and saw where the supermercato and atm and stuff is. Which is...mildly exciting I suppose.


first we met at 8:30 and took the metro to church. On the metro was none other than Mormon missionaries and we all were excited about that. And we followed them to church. I'm sure it's not everyday that missionaries are followed around by a pack of girls.

I actually understood the talks in Sacrament meeting!! Well, they said they were going to speak really slow for us, which I thought was funny/also nice. And I understood the first one perfectly, the second one pretty well and then the third one was someone in the bishopric or something and I was tired and he was using bigger words so I gave up. Then a small group of us stayed for sunday school and I didn't get any of it, heh. during the prayer a little kid yelled, >capito, mama?< and it was cute.

After we made our way to the Vatican to see St Peter's cathedral. On the way there I was in line for a pizza-thing and a gust of wind blew my skirt up. The guy standing there laughed and said in Italian, >it's okay, this is rome< and i laughed and he said >it was nice and cool right?< So, I suppose I've made my mark on Italy already.

Um, the cathedral was AMAZING. I don't even know how to explain. I walked in and just stood there with my mouth open for a while...It's SO BIG. and every single part is intricately detailed even though it's SO BIG. pictures to come. We climbed to the dome on the top and we counted the steps and came to 666, but we figured that couldn't be right. But maybe we should notify Dan Brown.

Wandered around some more, got my first gelato. But I got 2€ worth instead of two scoops and it was a lot...Yet, somehow I managed through it ;)

It's pretty darn hot and humid, but also lovely.

Wish you were here.


Gayle Hannon said...

HAHA I can't believe your skirt blew up Lauren!

Julia said...

yeah, i LOL CATS'd it up when i read that. also, CAPITO MAMA? i love little italian kids, they're so FREAKING adorable. st. peters is one of a kind, i'm so glad you got to go! and 666 is def weird.. you'd think a church would avoid such a thing.

Katelyn Marie said...

what is LOL CATS ?

I love your blog Lauren. I'm super jealous, but I guess you'll be jealous of me when I'm konichiwa'ing all up and down Japan.