Thursday, September 4, 2008

If You Think It Is Not Incredible You Will Change Your Mind

Yesterday I was struggling way too much with internet to try and write on here, but I did write to myself, so no worries.

We are now in Minori on the coast, and it's wonderful as any coastal town is. Todaym after Pompei (AMAZING) we saw/floated in the sea, which was really great considering its a million degrees here.

Have not been hit on by an Italian man yet, but almost ran into one (literally, like four more inches and noses would have collided) and Sharlie was convinced we shared a moment.

So Herculaneum was yesterday and it was my FAVORITE. We got to explore these perfectly (well, not quite) perserved city. They have amazing buildings and we took some fabulous pictures I wish I could show you (but again, the internet hates me). I realized the film kid in me is coming out as I wasn't as satisfied unless each photo was perfectly composed/lighted.

Dinner comes with the hotel and so far we have had hilarious conversations at each of them, this trip has been good to get to know everyone before we split off in separate house.

In Pompeii we had a tour guide and he told us lots of cool stuff. Saw some really well perserved frescos, including in what was apparently a brothel...which was unfortunate.

Around Pompei I filmed a trailer about two students who (with the help of a gypsy) discover the truth about how the people of Pompei died. Unfortunately the sound is kind of horrible, but I'll put it up shortly.

At breakfast I couldnt get the milk to pour out and the waiter-guy who was hovering over the buffet goes, "no, it's magic." and he pushed the button that made it go, ha.

My English is getting worse, which I hope is a good sign.

I loved the ruins so much though, as much as all the art we've seen is amazing, I love exploring the ruins. It's like a playground...Only you get disapproving looks from people in nametags when you get too excited (yes, that happened to me).

So, yeah, I'm having a good time. Today at the beach we found smooth rocks and were showing them to each other, feeling like little kids, and then someone goes, "everyone at byu is in classes right now." and we :)

1 comment:

Julia said...

oh man hurculaneum is the BEST. i took like, two rolls of pictures last summer, we should compare. did you see that square one of the little boat with all the oars?! PRECIOUS! i liked it more than pompeii even. also, i'm not in class right now, so you can't reallllyyy brag about that, but i would much rather be floating along the mediterranean with you than be here packing. my time is coming though, i leave monday! i'm SO STOKED, you have no idea. packing is tough work. keep me updated, i'm enjoying these posts!