Saturday, November 8, 2008


Today I haggled for the first time ever. I was pretty proud of myself. But I had the same problem I have with Ebay where it ended up being more of a competition than actually wanting to buy something. So I ended up with a ring I might not have really wanted originally. But it is real sliver and I got it for only 7 euro. Could’ve got it down more, but his desperation was a bit sad so I took pity on him. Also realized that one of the most amazing things in the world are cashmere scarves. They are SO SOFT. Things I am always drawn to in stores: soft things and red things. So, appropriately, I got a soft red scarf. Yesss!!

We are staying in the most amazing hostel with beds that are actually comfortable!! (Not like my springy cot at home) and we all get to share double beds so…cuddle time!! There are 8 of us staying in an apartment type thing with a kitchen and two bathrooms and I’m ready to move in except it kind of smells funny. In the refrigerator we found: eggs, kiwis, beer, lemon juice, and liquor. Pretty good combination of stuff. We got lost trying to find it, but it was a fun adventure.

We went to Santa Croce and each of our tickets had a picture of something in the museum. So I told everyone they had to find it in the museum. It was a fun game…um, very religious too.

And I had mascarpone (cream cheese-ish), nutella, and pear gelato (all one flavor) sounds crazy but it was great. Also Lion gelato which is this really good kind of weird candy bar they have here.

Then we spent FOREVER in Promod and I was done looking after about thirty seconds in the store when I almost took someone out rushing to a red hat (remember how I feel about soft and red things?) and then fifteen more minutes of walking around wearing the hat and telling myself I shouldn’t buy it when everyone else said I should. Then I bought the hat and was waiting for everyone else to finish but they had this HUGE black guy acting as a security guard. And he kept walking past me, like I was suspicious looking! So of course I got nervous and started acting suspicious and he came around more (and it grew exponentially). He was big and scary. I can see why they hired him.

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