Saturday, November 22, 2008


After saying goodbye to our friends in Venice we went about exploring some more, getting food and preparing mentally for Croatia.

The policija stamped our passports on the train at 3am. We slept awkwardly in the seats and played a bit of musical chairs trying to get comfortable.

A taxi driver gave us directions after we stood on a street corner for a while with our luggages and a map.

Once on the street to our hostel we were met by a guy who greeted us with a "Ciao. Hello." then an "Opa!!" when he almost dropped the garbage can he was carrying.

Our room is orange with yellow and blue flames on one wall and a sun on the other wall.

We got a brochure with a walking tour and went on it, Kimberly guided us through the heart of old Zagreb.

Grocery shopping was an ordeal as suddenly chocolate bars were 8 dollars and other things were in the 100s. When asked if we wanted a bag, Sharlie responded with a "Yes. Si...Ya..." Me: Da. "...Da" Another look to me to which I responded "Hvala" which was then repeated to the lady who was already laughing quietly at us.

I have no idea what will happen when we go to Hungary with its 200 huf to 1 usd. I have no concept of money anymore we have converted things from Konas to Dollars to Euros and back again and still not sure how much we're spending.

Today we found the church and followed the sound of voices up the stairs. We said an awkward "hi" and people laughed and spoke English to us. Sunday School was an intense ping-pong of English to Croatian. The teacher spoke in English while someone translated, then spoke in Croatian while the same person translated to English. Then a guy answered a question in Croatian and then another one in English. Everyone was translating for everyone. And we just sat there and smiled. Singing hymns was fun/difficult too.

But we made two friends who are going to show us around tomorrow.

Everyone in church asked us what we were doing in Croatia. Like, they really did not understand why we sould possible come here. Heh. And they all talked to us and were happy.
"You must come back...I will recognize you by your smiles."

it's cold (really cold) outside, so we're watching Gilmore Girls:
"why are you smiling?"
"i was just thinking about pudding."

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