Monday, December 1, 2008

Home. Home. Home.

Well, I am home. The trip is over and NaBloPoMo is over as well.

In Rome we went to church and then retraced our steps...We ate pizza at the first place we had pizza. We ate gelato at the insane place with a million flavours. We threw another coin in the Trevi Fountain and got lost a bit too.

Spending all night in the airport was an experience. Full of uncontrollable laughter and incoherent sentences.

Waving good-bye to Sharlie and Kimberly was sad, but I will see them again.

Now I am back and it's weird having a cellphone and hearing people's voices and weird that everything is in English.

Came Home to the Following Family Changes:
Katie moved out.
Caleb grew half a foot.
Tyler is engaged!!!

Anyway, brain not this will sadly fade off...

1 comment:

E. said...

Whoa! Lots of changes! Though I identify with the little brother thing---Daniel's nearly as tall as me, too!